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Emerging as a Key Partner/Player in Regional Economic Development (Virtual Training Session)

Brief Description: After or in parallel with the strengthening of local tribal and Native economies, many Native communities seek to further strengthen and diversify their economies in recognition of both the regional nature of robust and healthy economies in rural areas and the importance of diversification of tribal and Native economies (especially in light of the harm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to tribal economies dependent on casino revenues and tourism). The final section will address how growing tribal and Native economies can develop deeper and broader connections to state and local governments and regional partners while also looking beyond national boundaries for new opportunities in global markets

  • Local-State-Tribal Relations in Economic Development (regional planning bodies and approaches, taxation, infrastructure, etc.)

  • Transboundary Economic Development (economic activities that transcend state and national boundaries)

April 23

Accessing the Resources and Capital to Support Economic Development - Part 3 (Virtual Training Session)

June 18

The Path Forward: How Can Tribes and Their Partners Cultivate Economic Development Pathways and Capital Flows